Payments Product Marketing
Flagship offerings continue to drive demonstrable results. Transactional Data Mining helps recapture payments made to other financial institutions and Onboarding/Reboarding new or existing members provides the opportunity to educate them about product offerings. In our increasingly mobile world, payment adoptions have and continue to expand rapidly and digitize. Member demand is increasing for touchless payment offerings. Digital payment tools and products are needed to stay ahead of the curve and keep your credit union top-of-mind and top-of-wallet. There are so many opportunities to connect with your members about payments. Synergent can help.
Transactional Data Mining
The benefits of leveraging transactional data to better serve members are clear—the power of data to place the right message, to the right member, at the right time has never been more effective for response rates, results, and ultimately ROI. Unlocking the member data on your core can recapture lending and create opportunities to connect and resonate with members.
By narrowing the target list in each marketing campaign, you reach members most likely to be interested and engaged in your promotional activities, saving your credit union time and marketing dollars, and increasing return on marketing investment! Synergent is your single source for data mining, segmenting, distributing campaign materials, and analyzing campaign success.
New & Existing Member Onboarding & Reboarding
Your best chance of cross-selling an additional product or service to a new member is highest within their first 90-120 days of membership. Onboarding, a targeted campaign during which new members receive tailored, omnichannel communication, is proven to increase member retention and aids in a feeling of member connectedness. Reboarding is similar to onboarding in that it is a defined, targeted campaign, but instead of focusing on new members, you are targeting longtime members to ensure they are aware of the products and services available to them.
With growth and member satisfaction top priorities for credit unions, onboarding and reboarding are the most valuable ways to reach new members and ensure they are informed of your credit union’s offerings. Core transaction and product adoption data mining unlocks a truly new experience for members.
Product Marketing
Credit unions must find innovative ways to stand out from their competitors. Offering innovative, in-demand products and services is a way to quickly become your members’ primary financial institution. While each credit union product mix differs, we can help launch, optimize, and communicate new service offerings to differentiate your unique credit union offerings to your members throughout their financial journeys.